Friday, September 16, 2011

First Post Ever!

Hey guys and dolls! Welcome to my new blog! After checking out a few of my favourite make-up guru's blogs, I thought I'd have fun doing one of my own.

What is this blog going to be about, you ask? This blog is going to be about everything from make-up products, to random items and products that I really like and enjoy, even a little bit about what is going on in my personal life! Another question I'm sure you all are asking is why my blog is titled ChristinaChameleon. Well... obviously my name is Christina, but then I thought "ChristinaChameleon" would be a cool name because my style, my tastes, and the things in my life are always changing. Ooohh... that sounded deep, huh? Yeah, not so much.

I know I don't lead the most thrilling or entertaining life, but I figure this would also be a cool way for 'lost' friends to know what is going on with me and just to get inside my head since daily conversations are a bit out of reach most of the time.

So I hope you guys enjoy this! Once I get settled into my new life in Columbus, I'll be more able to keep up with this thing!



  1. Yay! I am so excited :)
    I miss you and can't wait to see what your up to!
    And I've always thought you were one of the
    most talented person I know when it comes
    to make up :) and of course one of the most
    beautiful! :)
    Love always!
    Rene :)

  2. Awww thanks Rene!! You're too sweet! I'm pretty excited to start on my blog as well!! Hopefully one day when I have decent equipment, I can do vlogs and tutorials on Youtube myself!


  3. Nice! :D I love watching them :) I go hooked on Juicystar07 a little while
    ago, I haunt watched her in a while, but at the time I had went through
    almost all of her videos :) :) she has a great room tour, a few great manicure
    videos and hair videos :) Its hard for me to get into the make up ones
    she does because I don't have those colors and brands, but they are
    still fun to watch :D :D
    I'd LOVE to see you do some! Even without fancy equipment :)
